Title: Exploring noise robust phases of quantum matter
Abstract: The threshold theorem in quantum computing guarantees that it is possible to perform reliable computation with a provable advantage over classical computers. Experimental progress in quantum devices has advanced this concept from a theoretical curiosity to one of increasing technological relevance. These developments inspire new questions at the intersection of many-body physics and computer science about how to characterize, describe, and exploit dynamical phases of quantum matter that arise in fault-tolerant quantum computers. In this talk, I will describe several examples in this direction from my research, illustrated in each case by experiments on current quantum devices. In the first example, I will discuss the resource theory of fault-tolerant quantum computing based on “magic” and explore its phase diagram in error correction [1]. In the second example, I will discuss the problem of fault-tolerant compiling, using random circuit sampling algorithms as a case study for the optimization of quantum algorithms with error correcting codes and hardware [2,3].
[1] P. Niroula et al., Phase transition in magic with random quantum circuits, Nature Phys. (2024).
[2] D. Bluvstein et al., Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays, Nature 626, 7997 (2024).
[3] D. Hangleiter et al., Fault-tolerant compiling of classically hard IQP circuits on hypercubes, (2024) arXiv:2404.19005.
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