Title: Tensor network state preparation and complexity
Abstract: I'll tell you about some of our recent work on preparing tensor network states on quantum devices. The general research question is motivated by the observation that ground states of gapped (and often also gapless) models are well described by tensor networks. To explore and simulate such states on quantum devices, we need to find ways to prepare them efficiently. More recently I've also wondered about what we could say about computational complexity (both quantum and classical) of tensor network states and I'll talk about some results in this direction as well. This is based on arXiv:2107.05873, 2209.01230, 2307.01696, 2402.07975 and ongoing work together with Zhi-Yuan Wei, Georgios Styliaris, Rahul Trivedi, Freek Witteveen and Ignacio Cirac.
A light lunch will be served outside of Maeder Auditorium at noon.