Title: Exploring Out-of-Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics of XXZ and XYZ Spin Chains in Programmable Molecular Tweezer Arrays
Abstract: Programmable molecular tweezer arrays are a new emerging platform for quantum science. In the past few years, we and others have significantly advanced the quantum control capabilities over this platform and developed essential building blocks for quantum simulation and quantum information processing. These include controlling and observing coherent interactions between pairs of molecules, and deterministically entangling pairs of molecules.
In this talk, I will report on our recent work on performing the first quantum many-body simulation experiments in this new platform. Specifically, I will first discuss two essential advances: high-fidelity preparation of 1D spin chains aided by measurement and Hamiltonian engineering of XXZ/XYZ spin models via Floquet driving. I will then present results on out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics of spin chains with 1/r^3 interactions. We observe coherent quantum walks of single spin excitations and dynamics of repulsive magnon bound states in XXZ chains, and coherent pair creation and annihilation dynamics in XYZ chains. I will conclude with a short discussion of potential future work that our results open up.
Lunch will be provided at 12:00 PM in EQuad J401.