Special Quantum Seminar: Reconfigurable Optical Tweezer Arrays of CaF Molecules for Quantum Simulation, Yukai Lu (Princeton)


Event Description

Title: Reconfigurable Optical Tweezer Arrays of CaF Molecules for Quantum Simulation

Abstract: Reconfigurable molecular tweezer arrays are a promising platform for quantum science. Recently significant progress has been made in controlling molecules and developing essential building blocks for quantum simulation and quantum information processing. In this talk, I will present our work on CaF molecular tweezer arrays. Specifically, I will begin by discussing the observation of coherent spin exchange oscillations between pairs of molecules and creation of Bell states. Next, I will report our work on Raman sideband cooling of molecules to control their motional degrees of freedom. Lastly, I will present recent advances in simulating tunable spin chains on this platform. By periodically driving the system, a technique known as Floquet engineering, we realize tunable XXZ and XYZ spin models and investigate their non-equilibrium dynamics. In XXZ chains, we observe coherent quantum walks of single spin excitations and formation of magnon bound states. Notably, in fully anisotropic XYZ chains, we observe coherent pair creation and annihilation dynamics, opening possibilities for simulating exotic spin models with molecules. 

Waseem Bakr